stop. drop. get your shift together.
If you’re dragging through another day, too many things to do, too many people needing something, and too little of you to go around - the Rhythm Audit is for you.
I know you because I am you.
I have a lot on my plate and only so many hours each day to make it all happen.
I sometimes collapse into bed because it’s just been too freaking much.
And the dread of knowing it’s all waiting again for me tomorrow? You know how it goes.
I can’t take away the demands or the people, and I can’t grant you more time from sun up to sundown, but I can guide you through a practice that will help you better interact with these aspects of life.
How, you ask?
A potion.
A mental potion.
You prepare it, tweak it to meet your needs, and then store it for safekeeping.
It’s always there when you need it, and it has all the ingredients to support a specific outcome or desire.
In this case that outcome and desire is to take everything you’re currently holding/juggling/navigating etc.. and turn it into a rhythm that actually works FOR you.
No more rage sighing at the todo list you created for your self (it’s me, hi, i’m the problem it’s me)
No more mindless collapsing and numbing because your brain is absolute mush.
No more squeezing time for you into the margins of everything you do for everyone else.
All it takes is an open mind, a hell of an intention, and about the time it takes to whip up a batch of coping queso. (ok, that just might be me, but still, it won’t take long)
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