real talk —
I’m a pretty
lousy failure


Don’t get me wrong, I know how to do it!
I just don’t know how to completely give up.
when normal people fail, they WATCH life catch fire and run.

WELL, I run right into the flames.

  • When my soul felt wounded, I dreamt of a community. .

  • When my life (and the entire actual world) came undone, I started a business.

  • When my marriage hung in the balance, I created a brand.

and I regret nothing.

Because everything I needed to go through in order to discover what I’m truly made of was found in those struggles and mistakes. And each day I showed up and worked toward my goals brought necessary lessons and growth.

I took one step at a time, remembered my magic, alchemized the mess, and reclaimed my life — and now I want to help you do the same.


(this is the part where i get up in your business, stay with me.)

one of my gifts is seeing people.
like reeeally seeing them,
and then telling them exactly what I see —
especially those who have hit rock bottom.

Because I know better than most what it’s like to feel like you have no one on your side.

To feel like you’ve failed so badly that your dreams are out of reach.

To feel like you have no business even trying anymore.

I know what it’s like to want to quit but feel completely unable to.

To waver between absolutely going for it, and stalling out of fear.

To consider staying small because no one can handle all of you.

I know the games the mind can play

and the lies we can begin to believe

and the safe places we are tempted to return to

and the urge to play it safe

I know all of this —

but I also know how it feels
to call it all bullshit
and finally start rising.

My brand of courage says you don’t have to have it all figured out before you bring your soul to the table. It says there’s no mistake too big and no failure too great to stop you from getting back in the arena. It says you’re still made for everything your heart desires, even if the gameplan has changed.

So if you’ve been looking for permission, another chance, or someone to remind you that you really can do everything you want to do — you’re in the right place.