You feel untethered.
To your vision, your idea, your work.
Hell, somedays to yourself.
You’re aching to move forward and create a life that matches the one you dream of, but you’re too overwhelmed to even try.
You’ve been told that what you want is both too much and not enough.
So you shake off the daydreaming and go back to your distractions… but each time you see someone else living THEIR best life, you get that pang of resentment for having given up on yours.
well, love..
it’s a good day for a reclamation
i know what it’s like to watch everyone else do things “the right way”
and continue to hide your vision away.
I know what it’s like to struggle to trust yourself, and not go for what you truly want.
I know what it’s like to start, and then shut down again.
For some reason or another you have been told that your ideal life, your dream business,
and your unique desires are too “woo” to be taken seriously or seen through.
and if no one has told you yet,
this is all Complete bullshit.
Reclaim is a rhythm revival journey I created to take myself out of the cycle of ruminating, and put me on the spiral of radical transformation and effortless creation.
And then I turned it into a coaching container for amazing women who, for their own unique reasons, needed the exact same thing.
reclaim IS lunar-led and WILL
TAKE YOU through four quests:
remember your magick — you’ll assess and embrace your present state and recognize the magick that is available to you
alchemize the mess — you’ll use that magick to make adjustments that facilitate alignment, growth, and healing
design a new vision — you’ll create a future and take action that aligns with your highest self
reclaim your life — you’ll set up a plan that will help you move forward on a new path
How it works:
1. You sign up, I do a happy dance.
2. I send you some prep-work and some snail mail and add you to the virtual circle.
3. I open us up on the full moon with a virtual ceremony and then every few days, pop into our shared space to guide you through the quests. Each lunar phase is broken down to the day and I am committed to helping you complete the full experience.
4. You book your Flow Convos at anytime so we can discuss how to apply what you’re revealing throughout the month.
5. You complete the journey in your power, full of encouragement, and equipped with a plan for going forward.
by the end of the journey you will have:
Faced some of the shit you’re normally too afraid to even think of
Worked that fear into an energy that drives you forward instead of holds you back
Taken one step toward the actual vision you hold for you life
Shoved a big ole finger at the story that says “you can’t just have everything the way you want”
How we’ll work together:
Since this is a very powerful journey, we will be wholly embracing the (virtual) interpersonal experience and leaning into the beauty of intentional, rhythmic, realtime connection. Our online circle space is for keeping track of the timeline, the write-ups, the links, the downloads etc. Our chats are for keeping in communication on the go in the in-between.
I’ll assist and support you by offering:
An online space that is NOT on Facebook. (yay!)
printable worksheets/notion templates designed to help you complete the month’s journey, and establish a foundation you can customize and build on
Virtual opening and closing rhythms
Virtual quest-completion transitions
Nearly daily prompts to facilitate alignment with each step of the experience
On-the-go chats through Voxer.
weekly support calls to implement what you uncover during the experience.
right about now your ego is starting to chime in…
This sounds like something
I could just do on my own…
I need way more than a rhythm to come back from where I’ve been…
ngl, it sounds kinda weird…
I’ve tried stuff like this.
Been there, done that…
I don’t think this applies to me…
shall I continue?
look, I get it.
this kind of stuff is difficult to work through
But that doesn’t mean you just ignore it and return to (big hand gestures) whatever it is you’ve been doing that has only left you in the same mindset.
that’s exactly why you stay stuck.
that’s why you feel envious of the ones who are free.
that’s why you still won’t take hold of all that is within reach.
You keep ignoring what you need because it doesn’t make sense to the naysayers.
You stay busy taking action that seems “more acceptable”, and nowhere in your plan is any soul-work. No real talk. No alignment. No energy management.
It’s no wonder you’re freaking uninspired.
And it doesn’t have to be that way.
reclaim is for you if:
You have gone through a major life transition and need to reconnect to something rhythmic and cyclical that values intuition over obedience.
You have shifted your structure of belief and want to root into something new as you embrace what’s next.
You have deep-rooted things that need attention, and may even know ways you wish to tackle them, you just need to find a way to organize it all.
You believe we are connected to the natural world and that it can provide a safe container within which to process our humanness.
You have an idea you want to put forth but are stuck in loops and patterns that keep you stuck or in a position of self-sabotage.
You have failed, in any sense of the word, and you need someone to believe in you as you work on rising and reclaiming your life.
You just know you’re supposed to be doing life with cool ass people and don’t mind adding some “woo” to your already amazing life.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve read plenty of these kinds of pages and just went back to scrolling afterward.
But what if this time
you actually decided to
make a change and
do something?
What if you decided you’re worth even one month of in-depth self-care and soulwork?
What if you made one new decision that, worst case, caused you to start making more decisions and actually doing the things you dream of?
What if this was the shift you’ve been searching for?
love, i believe it is.
choose your journey:
RECLAIM (12 WEEKS) — $1,333
lunar rhythm reset (4 weeks) — $444
(sliding scale and payment plans available)